I currently serve as an associate professor at the Department of Systems and Computer Networks at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST). In 2019, while associated with WUST, he also worked as a researcher at the Department of Computer Science, The University of York, England.


My research concentrates on the application of evolutionary algorithms to practical problems. To obtain this objective, I investigate the linkage learning techniques, multi-population approaches, dynamic management of subpopulations, and others. This experience helped me to solve hard multi-objective industrial problems while working as a team member in the SAFIRE project at The University of York. I also support application preparation and lead (as R&D manager or the Main Researcher) the application projects sponsored by The National Center for Research and Development and similar institutions. The total budget of projects I led (as R&D manager or the Main Researcher) is approximately 50 million PLN. One of these projects was awarded at The Polish Smart Development Forum.


As the Principal Investigator, I lead (and led) scientific projects concerning fundamental research in Evolutionary Computation. These include projects sponsored by the Polish National Science Centre in programs SONATA, SONATA-BIS, and OPUS. My recent, awarded, and most important publications can be found here.






Since 2024, I am a member of the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, the world-leading journal in the field of Evolutionary Computation and serve as a reviewer on the leading evolutionary conferences, namely The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), Parallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN), and IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). I also review publications for international journals concerning Evolutionary Computation, such as Information Sciences, Applied Soft Computing, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems with Applications, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation.


In my private life, I am a great fan of the legendary rock bands – Pink Floyd, Dire Straits, and Iron Maiden. As a former head member of the WUST badminton team, I am the Polish Academic Championships' multi-medallist, and I remain an active sportsman as a member of an amateur volleyball team.


Research Interests:

                Evolutionary Computation

                Problem decomposition

                Linkage learning

                Multi-objective optimization

                Many-objective optimization


                Practical implementations



D.Sc. in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, 2021 (WUST)

Ph.D. in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence (with honours), 2012 (WUST), my Ph.D. Advisor was Prof. Halina Kwaśnicka

M.Sc. in Computer Science, 2003 (WUST)



ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Michal-Przewozniczek

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2446-6473

ACM: https://dl.acm.org/profile/81461657999

DONA: https://dona.pwr.edu.pl/szukaj/default.aspx?nrewid=468420